Norske Tindevegledere (NORTIND) is the only Norwegian representative of the IFMGA/IVBV (International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations).
NORTIND certifies mountain guides under the IFMGA's international standards, and is responsible for organizing, further educating and refreshing the skills of mountain guides in Norway.
NORTIND certified guides are trained to high, international standards for work with people in challenging mountain terrain.
The international federation IVBV/UIAGM/IFMGA represents mountain guides throughout the world. There are more than 26 national member organisations from Europe, North and South America, South-East Asia and New Zealand. A number of countries have also been admitted as "candidate countries", and are working with member countries to qualify as full members.
IVBV - Internationale Vereinigung der Bergführerverbände
UIAGM – Union International des Associations de Guides de Montagne
IFMGA – International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations